Hey There

I’m Carrie-Ellise and I have lived with the facial form of BDD for 30 years.

My Mission

Seven-years of good luck

Seven years ago, four layers of window-dressing shrouded me in perpetual darkness. Facing daylight demanded days of preparation, fighting through rituals as I struggled to make my face publicly acceptable. I would wash and reapply makeup until my skin burned, rendering me housebound and without groceries for yet another day.

At the height of my struggle, I wore sunglasses until friction blistered my nose and ears, their arms hooked on for dear life. Even those lesions became part of my camouflage, a temporary deformity I rationalised as diverting attention from my perceived imperfections.

I remained silent about my two-decade mirror obsession because, to me, it was nothing more than a “vanity curse,” my shameful, dirty little secret.

Today, I sit in my garden without sunglasses. I am in active recovery and you can be too.

“Recovery began with a single decision, to remove the window coverings.”

A distorted day in my life